Assessment Plans
In concert with Tulane University's institutional effectiveness processes, each administrative, support unit and academic program participates in the unit assessment process. Tulane uses a common process, template, and timeline for reporting assessment activities. The academic unit assessment process is an annual cycle through which academic programs review their mission and develop, implement, and report their expected learning outcomes, assessment measures, results, and planned improvements based on the results.
Tulane's unit assessment process includes a review of submitted plans by the Office of Assessment & Institutional Research using a common rubric. This feedback is compiled and provided to the program to offer guidance and recommendations on how to improve their assessment efforts and ensures that the assessment activities are consistent with best practices.
2024-2025 Academic Unit Assessment Cycle
Deadline for Submitting 2024-2025 Academic Assessment Plans is July 31, 2025
All academic degree programs must submit their unit assessment plan no later than July 31, 2025. Report templates are available in the resources section below and can be emailed to
Resources for Academic, Student Support Unit, and Administrative Assessment Plans
The following resources are designed to assist you with developing department/program mission statements, learning outcomes and goals, and identifying assessment methods to measure those outcomes.